EMT Emergency Mechanical Technician

 Automotive Services

 ***SEASONAL*** Window Tinting

 Some of our servies include:

General Roadside Assantance ~  Estimates

Tire Repair ~ Inspections      

Fuel Delivery ~ Minor Mechanical Repair

Major Mechanical Repair ~ Steering And Suspension




It all started out as a teenager, I bought a car that should have been taken to the junk yard. Once I started working I never stopped. 

Now with over 10 years experience, and an education to  match, we can provide the service you can count on day or night.

No repair is to big and our service is guaranteed. If you have any questions we will be happy to answer them. Thank you for choosing EMT for all of your automobile services and repair

 mechanic working on car under hood animation


About Us

       Welcome To EMT! We are a family owned business, and we are located in Danville, Illinois. Rickie Clark is our Owner/ Operator and Head Mechanic. He has over 10 years of experience with all Domestic and Imported automobiles. His passion is cars, he has a promise to all his customers, "we will be honest with everything" , tell you what is wrong with your car, not what could be wrong with your car." I will not fix a vehicle if it is not broken, and i will not fix it without the customers full permission" . As of right now, we provide mobile services, In many ways it is much easier on for the customer. Day or night we will be here to help you! We can also pick- up and deliver customers automobiles.

"No job will be over looked or over sold!"


Complete automobile repair, we have several options for our services, In the case of an emergency break-down or repair, we will service your vehicle on the side of the road or in your own driveway. We will pick-up your automobile for those more complex repairs and will deliver when repairs are complete. We also do a wide variety of inspections. We will inspect an automobile before you decide to buy it from a dealer or private seller. We will also perform annual inspections to prevent future break-down or heavy repair bills. Any repairs are covered under our warranty policy.


Contact us now!  

 sick yellow car very ill not good broken down with thermometer and hot water bottle

 Advertise our shop logo for $3.00 off all of your future billing and EMT statements. Click the "Contact Us" page and find out how to get started.

 YES WE FIX THIS...................


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